Pure Waters can instantly kill undead enemies and said item is frequently dropped by them.Mario goes toe-to-toe with a Greater-Scope Villain refugee from the Final Fantasy series, and prevails. The sight of Exor sticking out of Bowser's Keep is the game's Signature Scene that all the marketing featured prominently, so it's arguable that the entire game has been building to this battle. Mario and his allies ascend to the highest turrets of Bowser's Keep and engage a giant sword so huge its handle is bigger than your three party members combined. The fight itself is epic, made even moreso by FINALLY getting the sixth Star Piece that you've by this point been put through hell to find. The Axem Rangers, a parody of Power Rangers / Super Sentai where each of them have a unique fighting style, and when you beat them all they channel their power into their airship to fire a Wave-Motion Gun.
The fight then becomes a Duel Boss as Mario and Johnny brawl with Mario's allies and Johnny's pirates cheering them on. only because when you do so, he laughs at how good of a fight you're giving him, and challenges Mario to a one-on-one brawl. Unlike other bosses, Johnny doesn't call more minions if you dispose of them. After exploring the very long Sunken Ship level to get to his throne room, he engages you with a quartet of pirates. Which Bowser then reverses by throwing a hammer up to weaken Mario's chain and bring him down with him. Mario hops on to the other chandelier as they rise up and the two duel high above the throne room, culminating with Mario attacking the chain holding Bowser's chandelier and making it release him to a Disney Villain Death. Mario gets to the throne room and finds it empty, then looks up and sees Bowser laughing at him from atop one of two chandeliers hanging in the room, Toadstool strung up between them. Sure it's just a tutorial boss that you have to try to lose, but the opening fight with Bowser is epic in concept.That being said, many do still have a genuine fondness for the character regardless. As time has gone on, Geno himself has increasingly gained this status, mainly due to Hype Backlash from people who don't understand the character's immense popularity with the Mario fanbase, finding him overhyped and not actually that remarkable of a character, since he has scarcely made any physical appearances outside of this game.